Deadline for Returning Security Deposit |
30 days
Amount of Notice Required to enter Rental Property |
Reasonable notice
Security Deposit Limits |
One month's rent (unfurnished, no pets); one and one-half months' rent (unfurnished with pets or furnished with no pets)
Time a tenant has to Cure the Violation or move before landlord Can File for Eviction
Kan.Stat. Ann. § 58-2564 14 days to cure and additional 16 to vacate
Lead Based Paint Regulations
Stat. 65-1203 Prohibits a business entity or public agency from engaging in lead-based paint activities without a proper license; individuals may not engage in lead-based paint activities unless certified by the state. Owner/occupiers or business and public agencies doing work on nonresidential dwellings are exempt from certification and licensure, but must follow work practice guidelines and statutes.